AVN is a dynamic French company located in West Lyon area in the 1980s. With over 35 years of experience and engineering know-how, AVN provides complementary solutions with 4 departments : transitics, engineering process, air handling and maintenance.
Our strenght is our adaptation policy and our tailored services responding to your particular expectations :
- Advice and system design
- Construction, integration and set-up
- Automatism and electro-mechanicals
- Maintenance
- AVN transitics department is aimed at logisitics, express delivery transport and airports. We offer the best suitable solutions in conveying and handling individual loads or loose bulk products. We can offer complete turnkey systems for sorting and weighing parcels and luggage.
- AVN process lines department designs and makes automatic and semi-automatic packaging, dosing, and sealing machines for food processing, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries.
- AVN HVAC department is specialized in air handling installations, clean rooms, laminar air flow for safe and clean air requirements (hospitals, pharma laboratories, electronics,...)
AVN combines intelligent and flexible solutions based on our highly qualified teams, in order to closely perform our customers'specific needs. Experienced in managing complex projects and delivering turnkey installations, we give you support in each step of the project from installation, commissioning, tests and controls to training and maintenance.
Indeed, AVN provides ongoing maintenance program and repair services through ACTIVAL our dedicated maintenance department, created in 2005.
AVN is also an export-oriented firm, developing business markets in North Africa, West Africa and Eastern Europe.

To reinforce our staff, we are looking for : 1 Industrial fitter mechanic (M/F) 1 Industrial maintenance project manager(M/F) 1 Automation /Electrical project manager (M/F) 1 Metal worker specialist (M/F) Please check our job offers and apply on line in our page "Jobs & carriers"
Site preparation process : 15 weeks, Site execution phase : 5 weeks, Site production performance support : 2 weeks. Here is the new logistics and sorting center of Nantes Post Office. Congratulations to the Projet Team involved in this successful project installation.
Have a look at our drone video film ! Bordeaux 's parcel delivery branch, completed end of 2018 is the 15th worksite carried out by AVN since 2015. All the shipping sites are fitted with telescopic belt conveyors and AVascaN® AVN machines featured with 3 faces CAB file reader, certified dynamic weighing device, measurements of parcel dimensions and camera.